I Have No Say In Anything

I need to avoid all social media sites because I have no right to speak my mind.  Everything I post on Facebook goes completely ignored, but someone can post the most idiotic thing and gets input.  I asked if I could see a high school book, but everyone is too good for a retarded bastard like me.  I’m tired of not being liked by anyone.  I feel completely alone and deactivated my Facebook for good this time.  I’m just pissed for not mattering to at least one other person.

Don’t Usually Get Into This Kind of Thing

I don’t see how anyone can fly the confederate flag.  I think it is a symbol of racism and why be proud when you get your asses kicked?  Are they proud to be ignorant?  I will say I despise the confederate flag and anyone that somehow chooses to fly it and be proud of it.  I don’t want to get into anything political or whatnot, but I just wanted to get this out there.  I’m not saying everyone can’t fly the damn thing, but why does anyone that fly it feel proud?   That’s something I don’t understand and never will.

Why Did I Take It At 5:38?

Remeron helps me sleep.  I took it at 5:38 and fell asleep around 6.  Now I’m up at 3:45 in the morning and bored.  I might as well listen to some music.  I’m listening to Old Souls by Make Them Suffer right now.  I don’t know why I like this album so much.  Make Them Suffer is one of my top bands so I think it’s okay to listen to them as much as I do.  I bought all 4 All Shall Perish albums July of 2013 and I listened to them for the first time on Monday.  They were okay.  I might listen to them after what I’m listening to right now.  I think my arm finally stopped bleeding so I think I’m going to look at it.  I don’t know if I should or not though.  All I know is I’m tired of smelling blood.  That’s what you smell when you go by me.  I guess it’s finally time to get around to washing laundry.  I can’t do that until later in the morning because I want to use my own laundry detergent.  I finally got around to reading my comments and I’m surprised they were supportive.  I don’t like deleting things so I leave everything up.  It’s not the same with Facebook though.  Why?  I deleted at least 6 people because of how prejudice they are.  I hate hypocrites more than anything and if you’re black and complain about white people being racist when you’re just as racist or even more then fuck you!

There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

People piss me off.  I don’t even know why I have black friends on Facebook.  All they do is post offensive things about white people and talk about how everyone is out to kill black people.  I can’t stand people and it’s better for me to either unfriend them or abandon my Facebook altogether.  Why is it okay for black people to be racist?  That’s what I don’t understand.  People that complain about racism are more racist than what’s directed towards them.  There are black people only benefits, but I want a black person to tell me one thing that they can’t do.  I fucking hate society.

Shouldn’t Be Thinking Like This

I have come to the conclusion that whatever a white person does is racist.  It just doesn’t matter anymore.  I’m done with keeping quiet about this.  People today have no clue.  If you don’t put black people on a pedestal you’re automatically a racist because black people are untouchable in this country.  It’s a shame too.  Whatever happened to speaking your mind?  Black people can say whatever they want about white people and expect special privileges.  It’s a shame that there are so many hypocritical asshats in this pathetic country.  I’m done with social media.  Some people just spread hate and they shouldn’t have a voice like everyone else.  Peace.

Reason Will Win

The lack of structure in my life is impacting my commonsense.  I’m tense about my living situation so I’m willing to tear anything down for some reason.  It’s just getting to the point where I can not keep my big mouth shut.  It could be because of what I’m exposing myself to, but it’s obvious I already had those thoughts to seek that kind of content out.  I just need to stop thinking about the extremes because reason will overcome in the end.  I just want everything to stop being so politically correct and it’s time for all humans to understand that not everyone will like you.  Do not take it personal and assume all people of a certain ethnic background and social justice movement are the same.

Fuck Off Calvin

Have you ever saw anything so incredibly stupid you just want to pound someone’s face in?  That’s how I feel right now.  I’m fed up with these dicks who think they are not saying hate speech.  Why are people so idiotic.  Of course if someone reports what he said the liberal media will victimize him for suppressing his freedom of speech even though that wouldn’t happen if it was the other way around.  I had so much respect for him as kids, but now it’s a different story.  I don’t believe in censorship and I just question society more and more each day.

Majority of Americans Have No Clue

I just love how people always have to bring up racism exists as if no one already knows that.  It’s fucking impossible for racism to go away.  It’s just not possible.  There will always be some idiot that will always spew hate speech.  It’s not just a white related issue either.  I’m tired of black people using the it’s not racist when a black person does it excuse either.  Hate speech is still hate speech.  I wish I could just live in a bubble blocked away from society until I die, but that is also not possible.  My dream of everyone getting along is a dream, but not realistic.  Fuck this country and the imbeciles that control it.  The internet is a mistake because it lets the ignorant have a voice.  Just look at the Republican’s arguments about Obama calling him a Muslim and how he’s not a U.S. citizen.  People are willing to believe whatever stupid argument that gets fed to sheep.  I take proud in being American, but we are going about it in the wrong way.  Some people just have nothing to contribute other than to play the victim.  It’s always someone else’s fault.  Everyone is somehow being oppressed even though that’s just not the case.  I’m tired of political rants, but I’m just fed up.

Maybe I Do Have Anger Issues That Need To Be Addressed

People like me need to avoid social media.  I just don’t understand how just about every ethnic background and religion have to fight bigotry with bigotry.  I’m also very upset over this false rape accusation and even though there was significant evidence Rolling Stone lied those feminists thought that even though the accusations were false there was still a positive.  Their school was vandalized and innocent men had death threats.  How is that a positive?  I don’t understand today’s society and I doubt I ever will.  I’m proud to be an American, but my generation are full of self-centered power hungry victims.  That is all they are and that is all they’re ever be.

Calling Him Out Now

I don’t believe in censorship, but I have to delete someone off of Facebook.  There’s this man who brings up how the police are like the KKK.  He twists what the news chooses to broadcast to these pathetic, weak minded people who will believe in anything.  This is a subject I do not want to touch on, but this guy is seriously pissing me off.  It would be in my best interest to walk away from my computer and go to sleep because that moron is not worth my time.  He seriously thinks that it’s open season on black people by the white prejudice cops.  Wake up and stop hiding behind what the media wants you to believe.  They know they have a target audience and they want to start race wars.  This is not about race!  Despite what you believe.  It’s about cops violating American rights.  Don’t believe the media and grow up.