Should’ve Made a Bigger Effort

I didn’t make much of an effort in high school.  I don’t know if it was because of laziness or something else.  The main reason why I didn’t graduate on time is because I got burned out on computer courses my senior year.  I shouldn’t have done that.  Especially when I knew I didn’t have much of a chance before taking them.  That’s the main reason why I have chose not to have a further education past high school.  I did graduate high school at least and that’s all that matters.  Maybe I did so poorly because I was bullied every day and I had poor self-esteem?  That’s the only reason I can think of.

Author: Jeffery

I had a history of being bullied throughout my childhood which led me to have low self-esteem and the desire to not go out much. I also had a breakdown in late 2005 after I let everyone down. That led to self-harm and suicide attempts. I don't know if I want to feel better about myself because I feel worthless and that everything I do is a waste of time. I don't like to be a burden to others so I tend to not ask for assistance that much. I guess it's good to not rely on others because it teaches to solve things on my own. I also had some difficulty with academics and was tempted to quit high school, but I worked through that and got my high school diploma. I worked my ass off for that thing as well!

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