Why Did I Even Bother?

I’m beginning to question why I even bothered to fight through high school.  I’m turning 31 this year and it has been 13 years since I graduated.  Where is my life now?  I’m a low life and I don’t know if that will ever change.  I want to give up on everything.  Nothing appeals to me at right now.  I’m struggling to even get a single interview and I want something good to come out of that interview.  I doubt something good will come out of it so I’m not even going to get my hopes up only to be let down yet again.  I need a change of scenery.  I need to be around people that believe in me.  I don’t know if that’s possible though because everyone hates me wherever I end up.  I just can’t make friends and it’s frustrating.  Why do I even put up with this bullshit day after day?  What am I getting out of this?  I wish I knew.  I used to be so happy.  Look at me now.  The only thing that really interests me anyone is blogging and music.  I only blog because I have no to talk to and I don’t want to bother anyone with my problems.

Author: Jeffery

I had a history of being bullied throughout my childhood which led me to have low self-esteem and the desire to not go out much. I also had a breakdown in late 2005 after I let everyone down. That led to self-harm and suicide attempts. I don't know if I want to feel better about myself because I feel worthless and that everything I do is a waste of time. I don't like to be a burden to others so I tend to not ask for assistance that much. I guess it's good to not rely on others because it teaches to solve things on my own. I also had some difficulty with academics and was tempted to quit high school, but I worked through that and got my high school diploma. I worked my ass off for that thing as well!

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