I’m Wasting My Life Away?

Something’s missing.  I can’t explain how I’m feeling because I don’t what’s missing.  It’s kind of disappointing now that I think of it.   I don’t want this kind of life anymore, but I feel as if I’m stuck.  How can I change my way of thinking?  If I had somewhere to go that would makes things a lot simpler.  That’s why finding a job is so important to me. Without a job it feels like I’m wasting my life away.  When these self-harm thoughts fade away then that should improve my state of mind marginally, but at least it’s better than how I’m feel now.

I Never Would Have Guessed!

I discovered something on Facebook earlier.  I went to my uncle Robert’s Facebook page and sent a friend request to his wife.  When I was browsing her Facebook page I discovered she works at an adult foster care facility for people with dementia.  I never would have guessed that.  That just shows how little I know about my family.  Why have I grown so out of touch with family members?  It’s not too late to correct things fortunately.  I’m still learning,